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South Pike's Board Members Attend Retreat

Good afternoon, Eagle Nation!
South Pike's school board members and Superintendent Dr. Angela Lowery recently participated in a school board retreat. Facilities and catering were provided by Southwest Mississippi Community College.

The retreat was facilitated by a team of experts, including Attorney Jim Keith, Executive Director of Finances Sandra Halliwell, and retired board member from Long Beach School District, James Stubs. During the retreat, the experts shared their valuable insights and experiences with the board members, which helped them understand their roles and responsibilities better.

The school board retreat is an essential event that brings together board members to discuss issues facing the education sector. It also provides an opportunity for board members to connect and network with one another, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

Overall, the school board retreat was a success, thanks to the hard work of Dr. Angela Lowery, the support of the Mississippi School Board Association (MSBA), and the contributions of the experts who facilitated the event. The retreat will undoubtedly help the school board members better serve their communities and improve the quality of education for South Pike School District.


